Rhinoplasty solves an aesthetic problem and also improves breathing difficulties. At the clinic we use the most gentle method - PGA Rhinoplasty, less bleeding, faster healing, no nose splint.
I just wanted you to pass on a message to doctor kufa please that he has made me the happiest person alive. He has done an amazing job with my breasts. They have been transformed and much better than I could have ever imagined! He's very clever I really don't know how he does it. It must be magic. :)
I never expected them to be this good. Hope they stay like this and don't flop again. I am going to take the plasters off tomorrow as it will have been two weeks. Also I am very excited to see my nose when the swelling goes down. Annie has been worrying about hers but I told her it is only swelling like mine and will go down and that a rhinoplasty does not have instant results like the breasts, so she must be patient and wait for the swelling to go. But I think I'm going to come again soon for my lower eyelids. My mum vicky also very pleased with results but still a little swollen too. I look like her mum now she looks younger than me haha :D So I just wanted to thank you all so much. This has been the best thing I have ever done and my only regret is not coming sooner as it has made me a much happier person. You were all so kind and welcoming and made me feel very safe. Please thank the night nurses too for their patience with us three constantly ringing the nurse call button for ice packs, drinks, medication and more, yet they did not mind coming every time straight away without leaving us to wait more than only a few seconds. You were all so good to us. We would not have had as good treatment by professionals if we had it done in the uk.
You will be seeing my older sister and her friend in march. They are really excited after seeing our results. I can't wait to see you all again soon. When my nose has stopped swelling up I will let you see a photo :)
I cannot thank you all enough. Dr kufa has performed miracles with us. Especially these breasts they were terrible before I could not ever look at them and never ever took my bra off or looked down when getting dressed and hated looking in the mirror. I am looking forward to taking my support bra off in a couple of months and will look very good on holiday in the summer in a bikini :)
Thank you again, I am so grateful.
Take care and I hope to see you all soon.