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Prague – Plastic surgery Prague – Aesthetic dermatology Brno Liberec


It is possible to use one’s own fat on the face to: fill wrinkles, augment lips, flatten the bags under the eyes, or fill caved-in cheeks.
The surgery is carried out under local anaesthesia; it is an outpatient operation, where a part of the adipose tissue is removed by a small cannula, most often from the area of the abdomen. The fat is then centrifuged and applied via an injection into the required place.

Post-Surgery Care

When the fat is applied into the required area, oedema occurs, which is why it is good to cool the area with ice in plastic bags after the surgery. It is necessary to limit the facial movements for a period of one week and physical strain is possible one week later. The patient may go to work the day after the surgery, but s/he must nevertheless take into account that the oedema in the respective areas may still persist. The incision point where the fat was taken out by the cannula is covered up by a patch, which is kept dry for a week, without wetting. Then it is taken off and the place can be washed.