Male phimosiectomy is carried out for hygienic, religious and sometimes even health reasons. The surgery can be carried out under local anaesthesia, where the nerve innervating the entire penis is anesthetized. The advantage is that the patient may go home immediately after the operation. It is certainly possible to carry out the phimosiectomy under general anaesthesia, according to the patient’s wishes. The surgery consists in removing the foreskin and suturing the skin to the penis rim under the glans.
When going home, the patient’s penis is bandaged with sterile gauze, to be removed the next day after the surgery. It is then possible to take a shower and dress the cut with disinfectant cream, or even antibiotic cream – Framykoin, and then the sterile gauze is again bandaged around the penis. The patient carries out the re-bandaging every day. Fourteen days after the surgery there is no need to bandage the penis anymore. The stitches are absorbent, so they do not need to be removed. In the event that they do not come off within 18 days, we recommend their removal. Office work is possible on the 3rd day after the surgery; full physical strain and intercourse are possible 4 weeks after the surgery.